Job Title
Project Manager
Graduation Year
Partner School
Ecole des Mines de Nancy

I've chosen to achieve a Master at Georgia Tech for several reasons :

-First I am convinced that an international experience has a great interest in terms of career opportunities and personal achievement.
-I definitely wanted to get a double degree in a well known university.
-GTL makes it financially sustainable.
-Finally, the "Ecole des Mines de Nancy" is a partner school and therefore I could get a lot of feedback about GT.

I was hired in AREVA group, an international company. The business often requires feeling comfortable with English language. Something important is also the double degree: it reveals a real will to extend deeply ones skills; for these two reasons I had a quick start in my career in this group. And since a master is a long term investment, I hope the best is to come! I'm currently in an entity which has a dynamic subsidiary in the US; why not?