CH2M Hill
Job Title
Tendering Manager
Graduation Year
Partner School

"I chose Georgia Tech because the Mechanical Engineering Masters program was very highly ranked in the nation. After visiting 4 different "top 10" schools, I chose GA Tech because I liked the location, the research, and it gave me the opportunity to study abroad. I had always wanted to study internationally but could never afford to, the GTL program gave me the opportunity to complete my masters while studying abroad.
Attending GA Tech and participating in the GTL program was by far the best decision I have ever made. It made me grow as a person and as a student. It forced me to understand and empathize with other cultures and it made me think about many preconceived ideas I had about life, politics, dreams and who I was. Plus, as an added bonus, I met my husband (who also was participating in the GTL program)!
I haven't realized the impacts on my professional career yet, however, I hope to be working internationally soon and I hope that my GTL experience will come in handy doing international work."