Job Title
TOTAL, Field Operations Engineer
United Kingdom
Graduation Year
Partner School

Before going to GTL, I had been thinking about the US for a very long time. The GTL/ENSAM partnership enabled me to make this project a reality and to complete my curriculum with a Master from GT.
As I expected, time I spent on Metz and Atlanta campuses enabled me to improve my knowledge in Mechanical Engineering, thanks to the high quality of the staff and facilities. I have also been able to study totally different subjects, such as Finance, Marketing, Management...

But the most rewarding thing was probably the cultural aspect. Discovering the American way of life and way of thinking, being in touch with people from all around the world was for me a tremendous experience.
As a part of the curriculum, I also spend a 6 months internship on a gas production site for Total oil company.Today, I believe that both those technical and human aspects played a major role in getting my first job. Hired by Total as a Field Operations Engineer a few months before my graduation, I have now the opportunity to start with a good position on an offshore project in Scotland.