Schneider Electric
Job Title
Product Marketing Manager
Partner School

I chose GTL summer program because my brother did it 6 years ago and he recommended it. I also liked the fact that it was the only (or one of the only) GT study abroad program that had an actual campus, own facilities, and GT professors overseas. I also wanted to travel to many different countries and experience many different cultures and history. Some of the other programs were either expensive to travel to other countries (Oxford) or not many different cultures all together (Latin America or Asia Pacific).

The experience showed that I can adapt more easily than I thought. It also gave me confidence to travel alone or with a group.

I took a job offer with a global company headquartered out of Paris. The position will put me in France for 2 years. Not many companies, send their young or new employees overseas so this is a great opportunity. It opens me up to the global market and gives me a competitive advantage among people my age.