MS-ECE alumnus fulfills his Olympic dreams as a torchbearer and volunteer for the Paris Summer Olympics.
Physicist Claire Berger has been awarded the Chevalier dans L'ordre des Palmes Académiques for her groundbreaking graphene research — and her work on strengthening ties between U.S. and French scientists.
Studying at Georgia Tech-Lorraine had a strong impact on three changemakers in 40 Under 40.
Nordine Sebkhi and Rebecca Royster won first prize at the inaugural TiE Young Entrepreneurs (TYE) University Global Pitchfest Competition.
The Daniel Guggenheim School of Aerospace Engineering’s Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL) is joining a large-scale initiative to address critical aviation growth issues over the next few decades.
Georgia Tech-Lorraine students get a taste of the startup life with a tour of Station F.
Industry and innovation are at the heart of exchanges between Georgia Tech students and alumni living in Europe
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